Thursday, July 26, 2012

Return to Me (Movie Review)

The majority of Americans see this film as a classic chick flick, because it contains relationship-based themes and is emotionally charged. Afterall, the storyline is quite predictable. A married couple who are very much in love go to a fundraiser together to raise money for a local zoo. On their way home, a car accident takes the life of one and leaves the other devastated. As an organ donor, the deceased donates her heart to a patient in need. A year later, this patient (a woman) has discovered a new lease on life. Moved, she decides to thank the man who made it possible and goes in search of him. When she finds him, she can’t find the right words so she remains quiet. In the meantime, a new love blossoms between them and they enter into a relationship. The redemptive quality of it is tested when the woman finally reveals the truth behind their first meeting. But Love and Fate win the man over and sends him on quest to reunite with her. Their reunion is riddled with the heartfelt romance of yesteryear.

But if you look deeper, the film touches on themes that society still considers to be somewhat taboo. A love that is strong enough to surpass Time and Space. The heart’s determination to keep beating even after it has been broken (both literally and figuratively). The Life Force within that will not surrender even when defeat seems inevitable. These are just a couple examples of the higher concepts explored here. Yet, they are completely lost on the average American audience. I find this tragic, because the movie-going experience could be greatly enhanced otherwise.

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