Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Farewell, My Lovelies...

As the year comes to an end, I would like to take a moment to remember those who left us this year. For me, some of these personalities had a great impact on me, and so their deaths make me feel very sad. Others lived long and industrious lives, spreading comfort, courage, and hope in their wake. There lives stood as role models for millions. So without further delay, I present you with a list of those who memories will live on in us for years to come. 

Whitney Houston (August 9, 1963 – February 10, 2012)
Houston was the greatest pop star of a generation! Her music was legendary, and it touched the hearts and imaginations of fans all over the world. So it comes as no surprise, then, that the world was shocked when they got the news that “the Queen of Pop” had died.

Andy Griffith (June 11, 1926 – July 3, 2012)
Andy Griffith was charming and personable in every role he played. In the early days, his role in The Andy Griffith Show made being ordinary and living the simple life appealing and acceptable to the masses. Then, as Matlock, he used these same qualities to solve crimes that changed and intensified with the times.

Donna Summer (December 31, 1948 – May 17, 2012)
The “disco” legend of the late 1970’s and early 1980’s lost her battle with cancer at the age of 63. But her legacy as a black female singer will live on through the popularity of her songs, including “Last Dance” and “She Works Hard For the Money”.

Larry Hagman (September 21, 1931 – November 23, 2012)
The oil magnate that you loved to hate on prime time TV (Dallas) was also the conventional  businessman who lived a most unconventional life because of a certain genie (I Dream of Jeanie). His return to primetime recently proved that old age may slow you down a bit, but it can’t stop you if you don’t let it!

May the powers that be watch over the icons and lead them to a better future.